Monday, May 11, 2009

Laugh with Them

The fasinating thing about our new president is his willingness to laugh with other Americans.  We spent a good portion passively and aggressively pursuing our most recent past president with jokes at and about him.

Admittedly, our former president did have a way of making us smile and sometimes laugh. Unfortunately, it became all too common for him to be the brunt of jokes.

I'll be honest - it was a bit embarrassing.  It does not matter that I did not vote for him and thought his politics were horrible.  He still represented My America.  Liken to Barbara Jordan, I know this country did not think of me and my ancestors when they wrote in the freedoms when writing the Constitution. But, I do believe in the principles and amendments that bring every American into the fold (even if all are not protected still).

The point really is that we have a president for good or otherwise, support or hate, admire or envy, or whatever it may be who we can together and join in the laughter .  Every joke does not need to funny, but you end the day or night having smiled at some of the absurbities of life, politics, and this phenomenon we call life.

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